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- Anne-Catherine Guio (CEPS/INSTEAD Research Institute, Luxembourg)
- Bart Vanhercke (OSE + CESO, University of Leuven)
- Brian Nolan (School of Applied Social Science, University College Dublin)
- Conchita D’Ambrosio (Università di Milano-Bicocca)
- Daniela Del Boca (University of Turin + IZA + Development and Social Change at New York University)
- Eric Marlier (CEPS/INSTEAD Research Institute, Luxembourg)
- Frank Moulaert (Newcastle University, UK + K.U. Leuven)
- Geranda Notten (Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, Ottawa)
- Ides Nicaise (HIVA, a multidisciplinary research institute of the Catholic University of Leuven)
- Irena Kogan (University of Mannheim)
- Jaap Dronkers (from 2001 until 2009 Professor of Social Stratification and Inequality at EUI)
- Jean Claude Barbier (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) + Sorbonne, Paris)
- Joakim Palme (Department of Government, Uppsala University)
- Jonathan Bradshaw (University of York, UK)
- Joost De Laat (The World Bank)
- Kathleen Lynch (University College Dublin)
- Lane Kenworthy (University of Arizona)
- Markus M. Grabka (DIW Berlin)
- Ramón Peña-Casas (European Social Observatory)
- Sarah Voitchovsky (Geary Institute, University College Dublin)
- Terry Ward (Alphametrics Ltd, UK + Applica sprl, Brussels)
- Wiemer Salverda (Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies (AIAS) of the University of Amsterdam)
- Wim van Oorschot (Department of Sociology, Tilburg University)