Book chapters:
Marchal, S., Van Mechelen, N. (2015), Nil novi sub sole? Actieve inclusie in Europese bijstabdsstelsels. Armoede en sociale uitsluiting: jaarboek 2015 / Dierckx, Danielle [edit.]; et al.-isbn 978-94-6292-253-2-Leuven, Acco.
Cantillon, Bea (2014), ‘Beyond Social Investment. Which Concepts and Values for Social Policy-making in Europe?’ in Cantillon, Bea & Vandenbroucke, Frank (eds.), Reconciling Work and Poverty Reduction. How Successful are European Welfare States?, Oxford: Oxford University Press: 286-318.
Decancq, Koen; Goedemé, Tim; Van den Bosch, Karel & Vanhille, Josefine (2014), ‘The Evolution of Poverty in the European Union: Concepts, Measurement, and Data’ in Cantillon, Bea & Vandenbroucke, Frank (eds.), Reconciling Work and Poverty Reduction. How Successful are European Welfare States?, Oxford: Oxford University Press: 60-93.
Oosterlynck, S. and Moulaert, F. (2014) ‘Innovation sociale en Flandre: le rôle catalysant des politiques d’innovation et urbaine’, p.175-192 in: Klein, J.L., Laville, J.L. and Moulaert, F. (eds.) L’Innovation Sociale. Les éditions ÉRÈS, Collection Sociologie économique.
Wukovitsch, Florian (2014): ‘Soziale Innovation zur Bekämpfung von Armut und Exklusion’. in Sedmak, C.; Gaisbauer, H.P.; Kapferer, E.; Schweiger, G.; Selke, S. (Eds.): Lesebuch Soziale Ausgrenzung. Wien: Mandelbaum Verlag, 119-122.
Journal articles:
B. Kis, A. and A. Gábos (2016). Consistent poverty across the EU. in Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Vol. 7(2): 3-27.
Moisio, P., Lehtelä, K. M., & Mukkila, S. (2016). “Poverty Reduction Effects of Taxation and Benefit Policies in Finland, 1993–2013“, in European Journal of Social Security (EJSS), 18(1), 30-46.
Verbist, G. and Grabka, M. (2016) “Distributive and poverty-reducing effects of in-kind housing benefits in Europe: with a case study for Germany“, in Journal of Housing and the Built Environment: doi: 10.1007/s10901-016-9514-5.
Carrillo Alvarez, E., I. Cusso-Parcerisas, and J. Riera-Romani (2016) “Development of the Spanish Healthy Food Reference Budget for an adequate social participation at the minimum” in Public Health Nutrition:1-13. doi: 10.1017/s1368980016001026.
Goedemé, T. and Collado, D. (2016) ‘The EU Convergence Machine at Work. To the benefit of the EU’s poorest citizens?‘ in Journal of Common Market Studies:1-17. doi: 10.1111/jcms.12382.
Ayllón, S. and Gábos, A. (2016), ‘The Interrelationships between the Europe 2020 Poverty and Social Exclusion Indicators‘ in Social Indicators Research: 1-25. doi: 10.1007/s11205-015-1212-2.
Cantillon, B., Marchal, S. and Luigjes, C. (2016), Menschenwürdige Mindesteinkommen von Armut betroffener Haushalte – eine Aufgabe für die EU?, in: WSI-Mitteilungen 69 (1) , S. 32-40.
Cantillon, B. and Marchal, S. (2015), De sociale minima: actie nodig. De Gids op maatschappelijk gebied. 10, December 2015, p. 5-12.
Marchal, S., Van Mechelen, N. (2015), A new kid in town? Active inclusion elements in European minimum income schemes. Social policy and administration – ISSN 0144-5596, p. 1-24.
Notten, G. (2015), ‘How Poverty Indicators Confound Poverty Reduction Evaluations: The Targeting Performance of Income Transfers in Europe‘ in Social Indicators Research: 1-18. doi: 10.1007/s11205-015-0996-4.
Goedemé, T., Storms, B., Stockman, S., Penne, T., and Van den Bosch, K. (2015), ‘Towards Cross-country Comparable Reference Budgets in Europe: First Results of a Concerted Effort‘ in European Journal of Social Security (EJSS), 17(1): 3-31.
Manos Matsaganis & Chrysa Leventi (2014) The Distributional Impact of Austerity and the Recession in Southern Europe, South European Society and Politics, 19:3, 393-412, DOI: 10.1080/13608746.2014.947700
Oosterlynck S. (2014), Structureel sociaal werk. Koppel sociale innovatie aan sociale rechten, Alert, 40(4): 32-38
Goedemé, Tim; Van den Bosch, Karel; Lina Salanauskaite en Gerlinde Verbist (2013), ‘Testing the Statistical Significance of Microsimulation Results: A Plea’ in International Journal of Microsimulation, 6(3): 50-77