


The exhibition is located in Hall T of the Groenenborger Campus at UAntwerpen. The opening hours are 8.30h to 16.30h on working days.

The address is Groenenborgerlaan 171, 2020 Antwerp.


Bring a smartphone to scan the QR codes so you know what you are looking at.

Out of hours visits are available by appointment. Contact Cris, Paul or Erwin. You will understand that we try to accommodate groups rather than the interested lone visitor who wants to pop in for a quick look on a Sunday evening at half past eight. But feel free to ask anyway!

Bear in mind that the exhibition space is not very large. 10 people fit comfortably. 20 is too much. 50 is impossible.

You can contact the protagonists of the exhibition via their personnel webpage at UAntwerpen.

Paul Levrie

Erwin Smet

Cris Vande Velde