Last July, we had the chance to introduce the PhilPeriodicals project in the annual convention of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO), which took place in the Sheraton Reforma in Mexico City. This year the main topic of the conference was Puentes/Bridges. The subtitle in Spanish was not coincidential: there was an emphasis on Digital Humanities done in other languages than English, and in non-European/US countries. In that sense, PhilPeriodicals fit perfectly: one of the big challenges of the project is the use and management of multilingual resources, including periodicals in Spanish, Tagalog, Cebuano, Hiligaynon or Chinese, among others.
The paper, entitled “Philippines at the Crossroads: Enhancing Research on Philippine Periodicals” was presented by Rocío Ortuño in the morning of the last day of the conference, in the context of the panel “Perspectivas Digitales y a Gran Escala en el Estudio de Revistas Culturales de los Espacios Hispánico y Lusófono” (Digital and Large-Scale Perspectives in the Study of Cultural Magazines of The Spanish and Portuguese-Speaking Spaces) organized by the project MapModern.
Here you can find the abstracts of all the talks. As you can see, there was further representation of the research group ACDC and the Universiteit Antwerpen in the conference: Mike Kestemont, the Belgian PI of PhilPeriodicals, and Enrique Manjavacas delivered a workshop on text-mining, “The re-creation of Harry Potter: Tracing style and content across novels, movie scripts and fanfiction”.