Islam (Instruction) in State-Funded Schools


Islam (Instruction) in state-funded schools
  – Religion and the Public Law framework

Project information
EU Lifelong Learning Programme Project

Project funding 

Dissemination Lifelong Learning Programme Project, co-funded by foundations and organizations

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The outputs reflect the views only of the author(s), and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Description of the action

LLP AM Comenius addresses the teaching and learning challenges and the need for successful integration through education of that portion of the population in Europe deriving from predominantly Muslim countries, as well as the need of officials who supervise schools, of directors and teachers to acquire an understanding of international norms for freedom of religious expression within the framework of respect for human rights. 

Project type

LLP AM Comenius

Start date:
 1st December 2010

End date:
  28th February 2012

Coordinating institution:

University of Antwerp

European Association for Education Law and Policy (ELA)

Additional support by the ‘Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek’

Contact details of the coordinator:
Prof. Dr. Gracienne Lauwers
Universiteit Antwerpen
Arthur Goemaerelei 52
Phone: +32/3/238.44.23

Principle results: 

  • Project booklet and summary (Download pdf file)
  • Publication of the preparatory reflection text on ‘Religie en Onderwijs’ and the questionnaire for the country reports – Download Dutch version / Download English version
  • Publication of the translated reflection text on ‘Religion and Education’  – to order the Journal:
  • Free online interactive e-book for iPad on ‘Islam (Instruction) in State-Funded Schools’ – Country Reports (link to iTunes) or (Download pdf file)
  • Free online interactive e-book for iPad on ‘Islam in State-Funded Schools’ – Proceedings (link to iTunes) or (Download pdf file)
  • Video tutorial:
  • Preparatory meeting on ‘Religion and the public sphere’ (3 December 2010)
  • Kick-off symposium on ‘Religion, Beliefs, Philosophical Convictions and Education’ (Bruges, 7-10 December 2010)
  • Press release (Download pdf file)
  • International conference on ‘Islam (Instruction) in Education’ (Antwerp, 8-12 February 2012) 
  • International seminar with stakeholders on the evaluation of the project, the creation of a European alliance follow-up working group including parental organisations, and the final report (26-28 February 2012, Antwerp) 
  • Other: Religious Education in Public Schools: Study of Comparative Law: (Publications / Yearbooks)

Project target group

Education law and policy experts, members of the school inspectorate in European countries, representatives from European networks of teachers’ unions, equality bodies, independent education providers, and policymakers, students and researchers.

Project workplan

  • November -December 2010: Preparatory meetings for the writing of the Reflection text on ‘Religie en Onderwijs’ and the questionnaire for the country reports
  • 3 December 2010: Preparatory meeting on ‘Religion and the public sphere’
  • December 2010: Special Issue of the ‘Tijdschrift voor Onderwijsrecht en Onderwijsbeleid’
  • December 2010: Special Issue of IJELP containing the translated reflection text ‘Religion and Education’
  • 7-10 December 2010 – Bruges: Official kick-off  symposium on ‘Religion, Beliefs, Philosophical Convictions and Education’
  • January till October 2011: Collection of the answers on the questionnaire on the present state of Islam (instruction) in state-funded schools
  • November – December 2011: Start of the publication of the country reports, of the comparative analysis and summary as booklet, and of the proceedings as 2 on-line e-book for i-pad and as .pdf
  • January 2012: Video tutorial with subtitles in various European languages
  • 8-12 February 2012 – Antwerp: International conference on ‘Islam (Instruction) in State-funded Schools’
  • 26-28 February 2012 – Antwerp: Meeting of a European alliance follow-up working group appointed to enhance impact of the project
  • February- March 2012: External quality control report
  • April 2012: Final technical and financial report


DRAFT PROGRAMME (Download as pdf file)

Start date:
1st December 2010

End date:
Foreseen on 28th February 2012

Coordinating institution:
University of Antwerp
Co-beneficiary: European Association for Education Law and Policy (ELA)

Contact details of the coordinator:
Prof. Dr. Gracienne Lauwers
Universiteit Antwerpen
Arthur Goemaerelei 52
Phone: +32/3/238.44.23

Target group

Education law and policy experts, members of the school inspectorate in European countries, representatives from European networks of teachers’ unions, equality bodies, independent education providers, and policymakers.

The information on the website is the sole responsibility of the author and of the beneficiaries of the grant. Eacea nor the European Commission are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Country Reports • Cases

Albania Questionnaire
Austria Questionnaire Autonomy Schools
Belgium Questionnaire (Flem. Comm.)  Autonomy Schools  ECHR: Belgium Linguistic case1   ECHR: Belgian linguistc case2
Bulgaria Questionnaire  Autonomy Schools
Cyprus Questionnaire
Denmark Questionnaire Nordic countries  Questionnaire Denmark  Autonomy Schools  Denmark KJELDSEN, BUSK MADSEN AND PEDERSEN v. DENMARK
Estonia Questionnaire Autonomy Schools
Finland Questionnaire  Autonomy Schools  ECHR: Finland Erkki Hartikainen v. Finland
France Questionnaire  Autonomy Schools  ECHR: France AFFAIRE KERVANCI c. FRANCE  ECHR: France Kherouaa v. France
Georgia Autonomy Schools
Germany Questionnaire  Autonomy Schools  Germany BUNDESVERFASSUNGSGERICHT 1087/91 crucifix
Greece Questionnaire  Autonomy Schools  ECHR: Greece EFSTRATIOU v. GREECE  ECHR: Greece KOKKINAKIS v. GREECE  ECHR: Greece VALSAMIS v. GREECE
Hungary Questionnaire
Iceland Autonomy Schools
Ireland Questionnaire  Autonomy Schools
Italy Questionnaire  ECHR: Italy LAUTSI AND OTHERS v. ITALY 2011  ECHR: Italy LAUTSI v. ITALY 2009
Latvia Questionnaire
Lithuania Questionnaire
Luxemburg Questionnaire  Autonomy Schools
Macedonia Autonomy Schools
Malaysia Autonomy Schools
Malta Autonomy Schools
Netherlands Questionnaire_1 Questionnaire 2
Norway Questionnaire  ECHR: Norway FOLGERO AND OTHERS v. NORWAY
Poland Questionnaire
Portugal Questionnaire
Romania Questionnaire
Russia Questionnaire
Slovakia Questionnaire
Slovenia Questionnaire
South Africa Questionnaire
Spain Questionnaire  Autonomy Schools
Sweden Questionnaire
Switzerland ECHR: Switzerland DAHLAB v. SWITZERLAND
UK – England and Wales Questionnaire  Autonomy Schools  ECHR: UK CAMPBELL AND COSANS v. THE UNITED KINGDOM
USA USA-Abington Township School District v. Schempp (consolidated with Murray v. Curlett), 374 U.S. 203 (1963)  USA-ENGEL V. VITALE, 370 U. S. 421 (1962)  USA-Stone v. Graham, 449 U.S. 39 (1980)  USA-Wallace v. Jaffree, 472 U.S. 38 (1985)

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