When faced with complex problems, people often try to solve them by doing what they did before. They rush towards easy or obvious solutions, preferably as soon as possible. However, complexity must be tackled with complexity, creative leader Joannes Vandermeulen states at Sig Writing 2018.

Solving complex problems is exactly what Joannes does with Namahn, his agency that focuses on human-centred design. Namahn aims to ‘design purposeful experiences in a complex digital environment’. To come up with these experiences, Namahn always aims to get a deeper understanding of the challenge by thoroughly immersing in it.

In Joannes’ view, it’s all about getting out there and looking at the problem from numerous angles. Quite literally, in fact: when Belgian Rail asked Namahn to design its new control rooms, the agency started by 3D-printing building blocks in various shapes. The blocks were then re-arranged countless times to find the ideal setting.

Tinkering is key, Joannes emphasizes. Don’t just make quick assumptions: make important decisions ‘alap’ – as late as possible. Take your time to take things apart and to put them back together again in unexpected ways. Because you can change a lot by doing things differently.
—Mike Beyers