Can machines write their own books? Writing literature has always been a human skill. But now there’s AsiBot, the literary robot of the University of Antwerp and het Meertens Instituut. AsiBot is able to write synthetic literature. It has written a story with the Dutch best-selling author Ronald Giphart.

Though the robot, fed with a library of more than 10.000 Dutch books, can produce a text that may be called ‘literary’, a logical, coherent story with a clear plot is not yet achievable. But what about hip-hop? Hip-hop has a lot of strange words and conventions. Could a robot produce hip-hop that cannot be distinguished from human production? Mike Kestemont and his colleagues did the test. The conclusion: don’t underestimate machines and don’t overestimate humans when it comes to hip-hop… 😉

Want to see for yourself? Do the test on!
—Katrien Verreyken